Free has a
magical property of attracting even the most well to do in our society.
People love to get free stuff. Using free giveaways is the best known
strategy for businesses to build prospects and sales.
A free eBook, a
free report or a white paper is the perfect promotion strategy for online
businesses to attract prospective buyers. Let us see how all you can put
this strategy to work for you.
A free eBook or
report is an explosive viral marketing tool. Each eBook you give away
will be further distributed by people who received it to friends and
associates. Over a period of time you will have thousands of eBooks
circulating the internet carrying your website links.
When you write
and give away a free ebook you or your organization will become known as
an expert. This will gain people's trust and they are more likely to buy
your product or service.
You can publish
your web site in eBook format. Put the eBook on a disk or CDROM then
include it with your direct mail packages. This can increase the number of
people that buy your product or service.
Offer your eBook
as a free bonus for buying one of your main products or services. People
will buy the product or service more often when you offer free bonuses.
Allow people to
download your eBook for free for leaving their name and email. You can
also ask for referrals of 2 to 5 friends or associates that would be
interested in your eBook. This will quickly build your e-mail list.
Create joint
venture with products that are complementary to your product and ask them
to share part of the cost of creating your free eBook further minimizing
your cost. Cross promotions and joint ventures could market you more
effectively. Now more people would be giving away the eBook creating a
bigger viral reach.
Create a
directory or listing at the end of the eBook. List complementary
businesses to your products in the directory that will agree to advertise
or give away the eBook on their web site to their customers. You can also
charge a small amount for the listing thereby creating instant back end
Allow any one
interested to give away your free eBook. This will increase the number of
people that will see your ad in the eBook. You could also include a mini
catalog of all your product or services that you offer in the eBook.
Make money
selling advertising space in your eBook. You could also trade advertising
space in your eBook for other forms of advertising.
Keep updating the
eBook and adding more information that could add value to your target
audience. In the long run this could become a paid ebook which could be
sold as a back end product. You can create a smaller version with sample
chapters to give away for free.
This one strategy
alone could be expanded and applied endlessly in hundreds of creative ways
to leverage your business. Go ahead and create your viral eBook/report or
white paper right away and put your business on the fast track. |