Born To Win Newsletter 25
Issue 25 |
In This Issue
Editorial Free Resources Quotes To Motivate Just Relax-Internet Addictions Anonymous
Ask for Born To Win Training Program Profiles E-mail: b2wforum@yahoo.co.in
We’re on the Web!
Hello Friends, Some months back I had written in one my editorials what a lot a 300 + members in a group can do. Today the dream is taking shape and grown into 370 + members in the b2w forum Yahoo group and another 350 subscribers who have opted in to receive the ‘Born To Win’ Newsletter. ‘Born To Win’ is a network of people working towards the goal of bringing success to all whom we come in contact with. While helping others to succeed we will find our own success and much more. True happiness! Each one of us will work for the success of all of us in this forum and all of us will contribute to the success of each one.”
What a great deal of good 600 people could do to the society. When a single man can bring a revolution what will happen when the potential of 600 persons are unleashed for the good of people. It could bring a sea change in the society.
So friends, let us network. Let us contribute ideas, thoughts, suggestions, whatever for improving ourselves. Let us help people by bringing them solutions to their problems. Let us rise above the ordinary and mundane to greater thoughts and ideas.
Let all this be not a work of one person. Let it be a movement. A movement owned by all of us. So let’s get started today! Right now.
Be a winner. Make everyone a winner.
R.G. Srinivasan
4 Quick, Easy Ways to Say No to People Who Take You for Granted By Peter Murphy No matter how wonderful you are sometimes
other people will try to take advantage of your good nature. They will push
you, get you to do more than your fair share and keep asking you to do even
Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
Free Resources Join the Born to Win Yahoo Groups by clicking on http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/b2wforum/join. You can network with professionals globally, get advice from our members on various issues regarding your career or life, and participate in social causes and charities. Don't forget to download your copy of the 'Goals Builder Workbook' and other success e-books from the Files section of Born To Win yahoo group. ________________________________________________________________________ Quotes To Motivate Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -Calvin Coolidge High expectations are the key to everything -Sam Walton The biggest career challenge you face today is not competition, but yourself. Many people go through lifedoing the same things again and again but expecting different results. The important thing in the Olympic game is not to win but to take part. The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not that we have conquered but that we have fought well -Baron DeCoubertin Knowing others leads to wisdom; Knowing the self leads to Enlightenment. Mastering others requires force; mastering the self calls for Inner Strength -Lao Tzu Just Relax Internet Addicts Anonymous - Internet Addiction
Your name was given to us by a spouse or family member who is concerned about your internet addiction. At Internet Alcoholics Anonymous, we can help.
Yes, you--we're talking to you. You, looking at this screen for hours on end, online. You, bleary eyed. You, an addict. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Been outside? Know what day of the week it is? Have you checked downstairs to see if your family still lives with you?
We're a non-profit society of recovering addicts like yourself that provides support and counseling through weekly (off-line) meetings designed to help you cope with your problem. We feature a twelve-step recovery program and in extreme cases, interventions. Although it is our firm belief that you are never "cured," you most certainly can recover.
We have designed a brief checklist to determine if you are an addict. Do you: 1) Have twitches of the hand when you walk by your terminal? 2) Check e-mail more than five times a day? 3) Spend more time chatting than eating or sleeping? 4) Surf aimlessly with no direction, if only to be online? 5) Leave your name and information at countless sites if only to hope you'll receive a reply one day from a company you'll never do business with anyway? 6) Log on before important personal habits, such as meal preparation, hygiene or bodily functions? 7) Have red, swollen eyes that hang halfway out of your head? 8) Spend hours online on a holiday from work, where you'd usually be griping about your carpal tunnel syndrome? 9) See smoke arising from your computer or WebTV box? 10) All of the above?
If you answered yes to four or more questions (or chose #10), you have a problem. Please call us at at: 1-800-LOGOFFNOWFORPETE'SSAKE Internetaholics Anonymous We're here, we're free, and we're confidential. The first step to recovery is admission that you have a problem.
Call us today! That is, if you can power off to free up your phone line:) (Source Unknown)
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