Born To Win
Newsletter 20
Editors Note
Powerful Quotes to
Keys to Motivation
Free Resources
( Download Goals Builder Workbook )
Training Resources
Just Relax
Interesting contributions on motivation and
success, training articles on soft skills and anything else you think
might be useful for personal and career success
Editors Note
We meet hundreds of people who are always talking, preaching and
philosophizing endlessly on everything under the sun but never act on
anything themselves. The best of us fall prey to sermonizing without
ourselves acting on them.
In this scenario, when you see men of action, you wonder at their
spirit of action and adventure. And believe me they are destined to
achieve big in life.
I would like to introduce one such person I never met but got to know
through this wonderful technology that is the internet.
You can meet Sanjeev Sharma in many places on the
internet. A prolific writer in many of the HR groups, he can be seen
enthusiastically sharing his knowledge. He does not hesitate if he
has a view point or an idea to communicate. His action orientation
is very visible. I am sure we will be hearing a
lot about Sanjeev Sharma and wish him the best. I am happy to
feature one of his articles this fortnight on Keys to Motivation.
Plus read all our regular features. And of
course do write in with your feedback. We highly value your opinion.
Happy reading and keep winning R.G. Srinivasan |
Powerful Quotes To Motivate
"Success is the
result of good judgment, good judgment is a result of experience,
experience is often the result of bad judgment"
-Tony Robbins
"Even if you're
on the right
track, you won't get anywhere if you're standing still."
-Will Rogers
"What worries
you, masters you."
"The only place
where your dreams become impossible is in your own thinking."
-Robert H. Schuller
"Life is a
succession of lessons which must be lived to understood."
-Ralph Waldo
"The difference
between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a
-Nelson Boswell
"When life knocks
you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you
can get up."
-Les Brown
"There are no
great people in this world,
only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet."
-W.F. Halsey Jr.
be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an
-Ralph Waldo
Keys to Motivation
By Sanjeev Sharma
Motivation, in and of
itself, is little more than a feeling,
an urge to move
It cannot bring you the success and happiness you desire.
It is the keys to
motivation that move you from where you are now, to where you want to be.
Without each
element taking its place, you will have a difficult
time trying to improve you life.
But all hope is not lost! When you know the keys, you are ahead of the
game. No longer will you wait for motivation to come to you, you'll go out there
and get it!
This is the most
misunderstood step in the entire process. When I work with individuals and
businesses to increase their motivation, the source of the problem usually comes
to this:
they don't really want what they are working towards.
It may sound
obvious that you have to want something in order to achieve it, but it is the
degree to which you desire that differentiates those who get what they want and
those who are left wondering why.
The first step is
to honestly ask yourself how much you actually want to reach your target.
In some cases, you may realize that the objective you thought you wanted was
actually far from the real target.
The next step in the
equation is belief.
Do you believe in yourself and your abilities? Do you believe
that you can do it?
If not, then you
must stop at this point for a personal Q and A. You must list why you don't
think you can do it, and then work to fix those weaknesses.
You must be
confident in your ability to make it happen.
Those who do
not understand this step bang their heads against the wall in confusion at their
futile attempts at success.
When you truly believe in yourself, there is little that you cannot accomplish.
confident mind finds a way around every obstacle, or it simply runs through it.
Each problem becomes an opportunity, and each minute that you are awake is
fertile ground for new ideas, thoughts, and angles to approach the challenge.
This is where you get
the thoughts out of your mind and turn them into a working plan of action.
A goal is a concrete and manageable blueprint for success.
If you do not start with a specific goal in mind, you will be starting with a
great disadvantage. Simply stating and committing your goal to paper brings
you one important step closer to achievement.
There is no magic in a goal.
It is merely a focused view of where you want to head. It adds
a bold red line on the map, and points you to the destination.
But a goal is like everything else that is worthwhile in life; it only works
if you do.
Throughout your
trip to improvement and success, there will be ups and downs. There has to be.
No road is completely smooth and free of obstacles. The way to make this work
for you is
to bring a positive and winning attitude with you.
With the right attitude, you can be handed a failure, see it for what it is, a
learning experience, and move on.
I have seen the greatest of intentions fall flat because of a negative
attitude. I have also seen the greatest of accomplishments because of a
positive attitude. The choice is yours.
The power of a
positive attitude has been demonstrated again and again in our world. Choosing
to be positive is choosing to be successful.
greatest plan in the world will not bring you results unless you work.
Hard work is the last and most important element of the process. If I buy a
brand new pair of running shoes, tie the laces up tight, and read fifty books
about the sport of running, it won't mean a thing until I get out there and
You have to run. You have to take what you have learned and what you have
decided is your goal and do it.
Free Resources
You can now
get regular e-books, free advice from our members on various issues regarding
your career or life, and participate in social causes and charities.
Don't forget to download your copy of the 'Goals Builder Workbook' and
other success e-books from the Files section of Born To Win yahoo group. Just
join the Born to Win Yahoo Groups by clicking on For purchasing an amazing
range of e-books and instant downloads visit
Important Announcement
We are in the process of compiling a
directory of HR practitioners, Training Companies and Trainers. This would be a
list of independent practitioners, company employees, companies and
consultants. Please send in details with your specialization, training modules,
location, phone No’s and any relevant details. This would be available for
access from the b2w yahoo groups by anyone interested.
Just Relax
Coffee and love are best when they're hot
-A German Proverb
And then There's...
A lady of forty-seven who has who has been
married for twenty- seven years and has six children knows what love really is
and once described it for me like this: 'love is what you've been through with
-James Thurber
Reading while sunbathing makes you well
In democracy your vote counts. In
feudalism your count votes.
Acupuncture is a jab well done
When your dad is mad and asks you, 'do I
look stupid' don't answer him.
Bills travel through the mail at twice the
speed of checks
Middle age is when broadness of the mind
and narrowness of the waist change places
If you must choose between two evils, pick
the one you've never tried before
My idea of housework is to sweep the room
with a glance
Age is a very high price to pay for
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Give A
forward this copy to your friends and colleagues. This may just be what
they are looking for right now to motivate them. We deeply appreciate
your sharing this copy with all the people you know.
Born To Win e-newsletter is edited and published by R.G.
Srinivasan. He is the founder of Born To Win Forum an
organization dedicated to success training. He has an experience spanning two
decades in sales & marketing and general management functions in India. He is
now a professional trainer focused on personal effectiveness and motivational