Editors Note
Science of Thought Vibration
Free Resources & Announcements
Powerful Quotes Positivity
Just Relax
Readers Write
Hello Friends,
It is really
motivating to receive more requests for the Newsletter and to keep up with
the growing expectation of my readers I am making changes to the existing
format by adding more informative headings and including a readers
contribution. I welcome everyone to contribute. Your contribution should
be to the point, concise and informative preferably oriented to the subject
of success, motivation, inspiration or anything that is out and out
positive. So let your pen fly and express all that you have been waiting to
say. Let your piece inspire someone, bring that much more positivity into
someones life.
This issue is also
special as I am giving a preview of my forthcoming e-book Power Your Life
through Affirmation. The Science of Thought Vibration is an excerpt from
this book which I am sure will revolutionize the life of all readers. The
Book is planned to be released as a CD by the first week of January. Please
check out by clicking the link for more success resources.
R.G. Srinivasan
Born To Win Forum
The Science of Thought Vibration
"Therefore I say to you,
all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them,
and they will be granted you"
The principle of Affirmations is the science of thought vibrations.
They work by the following principles:
Your present reality is the direct outcome of
your thinking
Change your thinking and your reality begins
to change
Affirmations change your thinking
It is very important to understand here the principle of energy. The entire
universe is made up of energy which manifests as form at one level. At
another level they are more subtle but discernible as color, air and sound.
At a still higher level the energy is in the form of space and thought. We
believe in the existence of energy when they are manifest. Where as in
thought the same energy is unmanifest and formless. The difference is in
the vibratory rate i.e. the frequency at which they exist.
The denser the material lower the vibratory rate. On the other hand colors,
light, sound and thoughts waves exist at successively higher rates of
vibration and frequency. Thought is one of the highest forms of vibration
with extraordinary potency.
Creation starts in the
mind. A thought or idea always precedes
form. For example a building is first conceived in the mind of the
architect and then given shape. By consciously directing thought we become
the architect of the desires into form.
Whatever you see in
your mind - good or bad - if you believe it will come to pass. Generally we
tend to believe the negative more than the positive. Worry, sickness,
poverty are much more easily attained as we put concentrated form of
emotional energy behind them. Think and expect good and you get that.
Think and expect bad and you will get that too. It is a double edged sword.
Positive Affirmation is the powerful tool to bring about the
manifestation of thought into concrete reality. You need not worry about
how the process this manifestation will work for you. Believe that it
will work as it has for the entire universe for millions of years the
cosmic intelligence will bring about the transformation of thought into
Resources and Announcements
Free resource - 1
I had promised to bring free e-books regularly to all
readers and members of Born To Win Group. I am happy to bring you one of
the oldest classics on success and wealth; The Science Of Getting Rich
is a much acclaimed book on this subject. Please visit out website by
clicking on the link, at the home page scrawl down to
Banner Millions of Books and click on it to go to the site and download
the book.
The new year is around the corner and this is the time to
take stock and plan our life afresh with new perspective. We all know the
importance of Goal Setting to attain higher success. But 97 % of the
people have never been able to bring themselves to write down their
goals. This is mainly due to lack of an easy Goals Builder which can
direct you in easy steps to design your Vision and Goals. I am happy to
announce The Goals Builder Program which will guide you by asking the
right questions, throwing up important insights and making it very simple
to create your Goals for the coming year and future years. It is
available as a CD , easy to download and print out and use. The CD has
been priced at a reasobale Rs. 75/- + handling and courier charges of Rs.
50/- for deliveries within
India. It is also
an ideal gift for the New Year. To order your Goals Builder please send
draft/pay order in favour of
R.G. Srinivasan
Born To Win Forum
G-2, A Block, Vasanth Apartments,
Voltas Colony
For more details e-mail
Powerful Quotes For Positive Thinking
My success just
evolved from working hard at the business at hand each day. Johmy Carson
The great secret of
success is that there are no secrets of success; there are only timeless
principles that have proven effective throughout the centuries. Brian
People often say
motivation doesnt last. Well, neither does bathing; thats why we
recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar
The world turns aside
to let any man pass who knows where he is going. Epictatus
The crisis of
yesterday is the joke of tomorrow. H.G. Wells
A great many people
think they are thinking when they are rearranging their prejudices.
William James
Guard well your spare
moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Ralph Waldo Emerson
We get paid for
bringing value to the market place. Jim Rohn
Unhappiness is best
defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations.
4 years of age My
mummy can do
8 years of age My
mom knows a
lot ! A whole Lot !
12 years of age My mother
doesnt know quite everything.
14 years of age Naturally,
mother doesnt know that, either.
16 years of age Mother?
She is
hopelessly old fashioned.
18 years of age That old women.
She is way out of date!
25 years of age Well, she might
know a little bit about it.
35 years of age Before
decide, lets get Moms opinion
45 years of age Wonder
what Mom
would have thought about it?
65 years of age Wish I
talk it over with Mom