Born To Win
Newsletter 16 |
Editors Note
Powerful Quotes to
The Challenge to Succeed
Free Resources
Just Relax
We are
happy to announce the launch of a column 'Success Queries' Read more
details in the column below.
Interesting contributions on motivation and
success for these columns
All Achievements begin with
personal development. To schedule a personal development program for
your organization contact us at 044 32859261 |
Editors Note It is always a
challenge to succeed. Not because it is difficult but because we do
not understand success. This fortnight we bring you an article on
the simple things you can do to succeed.
It is also heartening to note that we are growing from
strength to strength with our subscriber base at yahoo groups alone
crossing 300. And this is just the testing and feedback gathering
phase for 'Born To Win' We have exciting plans to launch free as
well paid but affordable success and motivational training and counseling
programs in tie up with leading success trainers. As this is a
commercial venture with a social cause we would invite our readers to
participate actively in giving shape to a dream. The dream of a
highly successful and happy world. This fortnight
also is important because we are starting a helps column 'Success Queries'. This
column would post relevant queries about success and motivational
areas by individual and corporate to be answered by the editor as well
as readers having the right solution. We Invite all interested
readers to enroll themselves in the panel so that we may seek their expert
opinion to help everyone find answers when required. So dear
friends I leave you now to enjoy reading your Born to Win newsletter.
And keep winning! R.G. Srinivasan |
Powerful Quotes To Motivate
"If a man is called to be a street-sweeper,
he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted,
or Beethoven composed music, or
Shakespeare wrote poetry.
He should sweep streets so well
that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say,
here lived a great street sweeper
who did his job well."
Martin Luther King Jr
yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, "Here is an
opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own
ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary."
"It is never
too late to give up your prejudices."
Henry David
you want to succeed, double your failure rate."
Thomas J. Watson
Founder IBM
"Life is formed from the inside out. What I am inside determines the
issues in the battle of life"
economy is based upon people wanting more; their happiness on wanting
person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward
for what he gave"
The challenge to Succeed
So much has been written about success that
one often gets confused about what success is all about. Success is such a personal
thing that it may mean different things to different people. Yet we
need to have a simple definition which should apply to all successful people and
situations. The ultimate purpose of being successful is to take pride in
one's achievements and be happy; and I think one of the best description
has been put forward by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by
healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here is the simplicity with which such a complex subject
like success has been explained . If we just analyze every line we would
realize that each aspect adds up to a value leading up to a successful life.
And this is the challenge of success. To have such
values as to 'laugh often' or 'to find the best in others' is being successful.
So simple yet when we look at ourselves and all around us we will find very few
people laughing often or appreciating beauty.
The other day I met a young person working for a social
organization on lowly wages hardly eking out a decent living. But
what I found amazing was he talked very positively and with love to everyone he
met, and he met a lot of people on our short walk. There was no bitterness
in him because of his economic status nor any disgust for his work which paid
him low wages. He did his work with great love. When I praised
him for his positive and sunny nature he was thrilled and became a great friend
though we had just met an hour back and went out of the way to help me with my
It is often the most difficult thing to praise anyone.
We may admire so many people and their work but fail to give credit openly or
acknowledge and praise the persons concerned.
This is what I did and it was a win win day for both of us.
Now let us just think about how much success can be achieved in a day if we
follow all of Emerson's success formula.
The challenge of success is to follow the simple values.
The few simple things in life will always account for the major successes in our
life. It is not to suggest that there are only these simple ideas that
would affect our successes but it is our focus on the simple things that will
have the greatest impact in our lives. What we read above of Emerson's
words are proven wisdom that have flowed down for centuries but yet retained
their ageless and timeless relevance.
While success training is becoming more and more complex
with new programs with fancy success matrixes or best sellers being touted as the ultimate answer,
hitting us everyday, I invite you all to look at the challenge of understanding
the simple yet powerful wisdom of the the great thinkers such as Emerson.
Free Resources
You can now
get regular e-books, free advice from our members on various issues regarding
your career or life, and participate in social causes and charities.
Don't forget to download your copy of the 'Goals Builder Workbook' and
other success e-books from the Files section of Born To Win yahoo group. Just
join the Born to Win Yahoo Groups by clicking on
Important Announcement
We often feel the need to seek help on
sensitive issues like our personal motivation and success. It could be a
bad situation with the career or small failures which is upsetting us or as
happens frequently we feel quite stuck up without any movement forward.
These are the times you feel the need for special advice. The new 'Success
Queries' column is a effort for the reader by the reader to find solutions
to such issues.
We invite readers to volunteer to be part
of the advisory board as well as anyone in need of help may seek advice here
Success Queries
This column awaits your participation
Just Relax
An old Hindu legend
says there was a time when men were gods. But they abused their divine powers so
much that Brahma, the master of the world, decided to take these powers away and
hide them in a place where they would be impossible to find. All that remained
was to find a suitable hiding place.
A number of lesser gods were appointed to a council to deal with the issue.
They suggested this: Why not bury man's powers in the earth? To which Brahma
replied, No, that will not do because man would dig deep and find it.
So the gods said, In that case, we will send their divinity to the deepest
depths of the ocean.
But Brahma replied again, Sooner or later man will explore the depths of the
ocean and it is certain he will find it and bring it to the surface.
So the lesser gods concluded, Neither land nor sea is a place where man's
divine powers will be safe, so we do not know where to hide it.
At that moment Brahma exclaimed, This is what we will do with man's
divinity! We will hide it deep within him because that is the only place he will
not think to look.
From then on, according to the legend, man searched the world over; he
explored, climbed, dove, and dug in search of something that was inside himself
the whole time
Corporate Training Resources
For your
requirement of training in soft skills, personality development, behavioral
and motivational change and more call Srinivasan at 04432859261 or visit
Ask for details of our free
introductory program
'Change Your Reality'
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forward this copy to your friends and colleagues. This may just be what
they are looking for right now to motivate them. We deeply appreciate
your sharing this copy with all the people you know
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